Bring Europe to You: Tips for a Continental Staycation/Heatwave

With government guidelines about travel constantly changing, and the Balearic islands now off the UK green list, many of us may be feeling morose about the rest of the summer as holidays and travel are increasingly out of reach. However, with soaring temperatures forecast for this week, it may not be too bad to be grounded in England – and the nice weather presents an opportunity for a truly continental staycation.
To help Brits make next week’s heatwave feel like the holiday they’ve been dreaming of, we’ve joined forces with the experts at the language learning app Babbel (www.babbel.com) to offer some tips for those looking to bring Europe to their doorstep. This includes:
Flaneur – The French term flâneur comes from the verb flâner, meaning “to stroll” or “to saunter.” If you’re a flâneur, you are a person who strolls or saunters; “a person who walks the city in order to experience it,” in the words of French poet Charles Baudelaire, who made the concept famous. Long, leisurely walks to nowhere are the secret to making your staycation feel more French.
Meriggiare – If you’re missing Italy this summer, then this tradition could be the way to go. Meriggiare is the Italian word for resting at noon, preferably in a shady spot away from the sun. The pleasure of a snooze in warm weather is truly universal – although if you’ve eaten a lot before embarking on a midday nap, then you’re technically having a Spanish siesta.
Utepils – Although Norwegians can enjoy a chilled beer any time of the year, nothing says summer like a good utepils. From the Norwegian word ute for outside and pils (short for Pilsner), it’s the ultimate ode to enjoying an outside beer at the beach, in the park or in the privacy of your balcony or garden. If you want to go full Norweigan, consider calling up an old friend: Gjensynsglede is the word Norwegians have specifically invented to mean ‘the joy of seeing someone you haven’t met in a long time’.