What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Smoking? 

What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Smoking? 

May 17, 2022

When you smoke, thousands of harmful chemicals are released into your body, damaging your heart, lungs, and many other organs. But the good news is that even if you have been a smoker for a long time, you can start to reverse these harmful effects and experience health benefits from the first few hours after quitting. For a healthier alternative, consider exploring nicotine pouches at https://heysnus.com/collections/nicotine-pouches.

Twenty Minutes 

The positive effects of quitting smoking start as little as twenty minutes after you last smoked. After this time has passed, your pulse and blood pressure will begin to return to normal levels, and fibres in the bronchial tubes will start to move again, which benefits the lungs by moving bacteria and other irritants out of them. If you are wondering what happens to your body after you have your last cigarette, read on to find out more or visit Grinds on tobacco alternatives that help you quit smoking.

Eight Hours

Eight hours after you last smoked, your carbon monoxide levels will be getting back to normal. If at this point you are craving nicotine but don’t want to increase your carbon monoxide levels and decrease your oxygen levels, you might want to consider switching to vaping. E-cigarettes and e-liquids from Go Smoke Free contain nicotine so you can avoid the nasty withdrawal symptoms, but with no carbon monoxide present you can still enjoy the health benefits of quitting. 

Experience the health benefits of quitting smoking with the Go Smoke Free team who have on offer a huge range of e-liquids, starter kits and more to help you make a successful switch.  

Twenty-Four Hours

By the time you have not smoked a cigarette for a full day, your risk of suffering a heart attack has already been reduced. This is due to the fact that constriction of your arteries and veins begins to reduce, and there is increased oxygen flowing to the heart, improving heart function. 

Forty-Eight Hours

After two days, nerve endings that were previously damaged due to smoking will begin to regrow. At this point, you might notice that certain senses such as your sense of taste or smell will feel much sharper and less dulled compared to when you were smoking. Your food is likely to taste better than it did before. 

One Week

After a week of not smoking, you’re more likely to keep it up compared to previously. Not only is this milestone important for your health, but smokers who make it to this point are nine times more likely to quit successfully. You will also notice that you are breathing easier, as the bronchial tubes in your lungs will be more open and relaxed. 

One Year

When it’s been a year since your last cigarette, you will have experienced drastic improvements in terms of lung function and capacity. Your breathing should be normal, and any smoker’s cough will be a thing of the past. In addition, you will also have saved a huge amount of money, even if you are using an alternative like vaping. 

Over the time that passes since your last cigarette, your health will progressively improve. Once you’ve reached five, ten, or fifteen years of not smoking cigarettes, your risk of heart attack cancer and stroke will be the same as somebody who has never smoked.

Sophia Anderson is a blogger and a freelance writer. She is passionate about covering topics on money, business, careers, self-improvement, motivation and others. She believes in the driving force of positive attitude and constant development.