What Makes a Parent FUN, in the Eyes of Kids
Are you a fun parent? New research of the nation’s kids reveals a definitive list of signs

New research has revealed a guide to what makes a parent fun, in the eyes of kids – and despite the inevitable summer holiday pressures to keep them busy, the top answer was simply snuggling up in front of the TV with them.
Putting on funny voices when reading, playing board games and taking them to theme parks also made the list.
According to the nation’s little darlings, a “fun” parent will also play computer games, hide and seek and let their kids have playdates and parties.
Yet, according to the parents surveyed, by the end of August they have officially run out of steam and have stopped being fun, willing their child to just go back to school.
The research, conducted by Paramount+, also reveals that while 47 percent of parents like to think of themselves as mostly fun, a whopping 71 percent admit they always end up embarrassing their kids when they try.
Other signs you are officially a fun parent were packing picnics, letting your kids stay up late once in a while, going on bike rides and swimming in the sea.
Meanwhile, when it comes to who is the most fun parent, three in ten admit they’re constantly in competition with their partner over who is the coolest when it comes to their kids.
Yet the jury’s out on whether mums or dads are more fun – as the nation’s kids are equally split on who they find the most fun to be around (50 percent said mum and 50 percent said dad).
Louise Bucknole, GM Kids & Family, Paramount + UK & Ireland, who conducted the research, said: “It’s great to see that children value parents and carers who watch films and TV together. We know that children’s opinions are important to families and so is great content, which is why Paramount+ includes a mountain of quality entertainment for all ages to enjoy together, from SpongeBob SquarePants and Rugrats to Paw Patrol and Big Nate.”
The research indicates that 85 percent of parents today view themselves as far more fun than their own parents were when they were younger.
British children admit their parents are at their most fun and relaxed at the weekend or on holiday.
- You watch films and TV together 68%
- You do funny voices when reading or playing 63%
- You play board games 54%
- You arrange trips to the seaside 52%
- You play football 51%
- You bakes cakes 51%
- You play computer games 51%
- You go to theme parks with your kids 51%
- You play hide and seek 50%
- You let your kids have playdates or parties 49%
- You still play on the swings and slides 48%
- You go on bike rides 47%
- You swim in the sea 47%
- You make a great picnic 44%
- You let them stay up late 41%
This research of 1,500 UK based Britons with children aged 6-13 was commissioned by Paramount+ and conducted by Perspectus Global during August 2022.