Tube Girl is Trending: Etiquette Expert Reveals how to do the Trend Respectfully
Should you really “dance like no one is watching”?

In just a matter of weeks, Sabrina Bahsoon went from a student to a TikTok sensation, who we all now know as ‘Tube Girl’. Sabrina has shaken up the internet by filming herself dancing on the London underground, amassing over 670k followers, 23M likes and 799M views on #tubegirl in the past month on TikTok.
With over 123K online searches for “Tube girl” in the past month, this has sparked fans to feel inspired to take to the tube to recreate the trend.
Better yet, her fans understand that the trend is much deeper than just dancing, with one commenting “Loving the confidence and self-love trend you started”.

As a part of their European Etiquette study, language learning platform Preply, spoke with esteemed etiquette expert, John-Paul Stuthridge to find out what both trend partakers and tube observers can do to remain respectful when trying out the trend.
If you are looking to recreate the ‘Tube Girl’ trend, here is how you can do it while remaining respectful to those around you
Speaking with Preply, etiquette expert, John-Paul Stuthridge comments:
“The handy trick to social media nowadays is that if you’re not talking at length on camera, you can film a whole video in silence and add the music later – this is far more preferable than actually playing music aloud live.
If someone were to recreate the ‘tube girl’ style video, I’d urge them to choose a time in the day, a route and a carriage when the people present are minimal. Even if hardly anyone minds, make little disruption to anyone else trying to go about their day.”

If you find yourself on the tube while someone around you is filming a ‘Tube Girl’ style video, here is how you can handle it
“Unless the filming of any video is directly causing an obstruction to your day, it really is best for everyone that you as an observer let people film – live and let live.
Should the creator in question be following proper etiquette in their spatial awareness and volume etiquette, then no observer should be close enough to the camera for it to matter. If they are, it’s much easier for everyone if you discretely move away.
You are in the background of thousands of photos and videos other people capture all the time knowingly or unknowingly, so why kick up a fuss in this instance? A public argument is distasteful and awkward for everyone, and a recording of that is one we sure don’t want to see.”
Public transport etiquette that commuters should know
“Giving up your seat to someone who needs it more than you, children to adults; to someone elderly; to someone clearly exhausted with a heavy bag – these all still apply.
Large suitcases can get in somebody’s way if not stowed correctly. Left in the middle of an aisle or in front of the doors, which happens still too often, is inexcusable.
Other minor courtesies are also very important: don’t shove, don’t forget to say excuse me, always let people off at their stop, keep the music in your earphones, and certainly never stare or daydream directly into someone’s eyes – all too common on the London Underground.”