How to Fix Bad Breath

While you stress over your quest for white teeth, you might be ignoring some other issues that affect your dental hygiene. Bad breath can strike anyone, and this can range from downright embarrassing to a sign of more severe oral health issues. So how can you fix bad breath?

Visit the Dentist 

If you have experienced bad breath for a long time and aren’t sure how to fix it, it is worth visiting a professional. Services like Vermilion Dental Clinic can provide expert treatment and offer valuable, actionable advice to help you find the solution for any bad breath issues. It could be that you simply aren’t as diligent about your oral health as you thought, but it could also be a sign of significant problems. Whatever the reason, your dentist can help you make positive changes.

Brush More Often 

Most people brush their teeth twice a day. They do it once when they wake up and again before they go to bed. However, if you know you have bad breath and want to do everything possible to minimise the issue, brushing a third time is also a solution. You can brush your teeth after lunch to get rid of any leftover food bits and freshen your breath. This will further protect your teeth and gums and ensure your breath is better throughout the day. 


Everyone knows you should floss, but would you be honest if you said you flossed regularly? The answer is probably no. Still, flossing provides an extra line of defence against bad breath as it is more effective than brushing in getting rid of food stuck between your teeth. If you’re not careful, food bits can become wedged in crevices your brush can’t reach, so flossing after meals will prevent this from occurring and keep your breath smelling great. 

Change Your Toothbrush 

You may have heard that an electric toothbrush is better, but is it really? The truth is that electric toothbrushes provide multiple benefits, but the main one is that they can avoid human error that manual brushes could risk. Many electric toothbrushes come with built-in pulses every 30 seconds which signify when to focus on another part of your mouth, ensuring you brush everywhere. Furthermore, the mechanical performance is more efficient than brushing by hand as you can apply the right amount of pressure rather than too much or too little.

Clean Dentures, Braces, and Retainers 

But what if you brush and floss regularly and still experience bad breath? One reason could be that you don’t clean your dentures or retainer well enough, so odours remain and contribute to bad breath. Learning how to clean retainers will eliminate many of your problems and leave you with fresh breath all day long so you can feel more confident and happy. 

Great Breath 

Bad breath can strike at any time, but it is usually a result of drinking too much coffee or enjoying a particularly fragrant meal, making it relatively easy to fix. However, if you still experience bad breath, these tips will help you find the cause of the problem and learn the best ways to overcome it for good. 

Tatiana Rehmova

A glass half-full kind of a girl and a believer that everything happens for a reason, Tatiana works in Media Relations. She loves writing, spotting inspiring stories, and building meaningful relationships.