Cleanfluencer Reveals Five Ways to Make Your Home Smell Incredible

Influencer and mum of two, Katie Smith of Instagram account @nylahdoughty shares her top five tips on how to make your home smell incredible.

With ‘clean tok’ and ‘Sunday resets’ becoming popular on social media, one mum influencer is changing the game by transforming the perception of cleaning from a tedious chore into a therapeutic activity that promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

Katie Smith, a mum of two from Leicestershire and owner of Instagram account @nylahdoughty has partnered with to share her five tips on how to make your home smell incredible using the power of essential oils.

She also shares more information about her top tips on her Instagram page: @nylahdoughty.

Katie believes that adding scents to your cleaning routine can be a game-changer. “Creating a beautifully scented home can have a positive impact on our mood and overall well-being. It’s not just about cleaning; it’s about creating a sanctuary where we can unwind and recharge.”

Here are Katie’s top five tips for making your home smell incredible:

1. Infuse your steam cleaner

“Infuse your steam cleaner with a few drops of your favourite essential oil to leave behind a refreshing aroma when steam cleaning. You can also add drops of the same essential oil into your mop water to not only make your floors sparkle but also leave them with a delightful smell.

2. Vacuum with a scent

“Add a drop of essential oil on a cotton ball in your vacuum bag. After you’ve added the oil, vacuum as normal. Essential oils produce a fragrance that travels outside of the vacuum’s vents, making anywhere your vacuum smell great adding fragrance to the air as you clean.

3. Scented Spin

“Add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to your tumble dryer sheets, leaving the scent on your laundry as it dries. This is a great way to leave your clothes smelling great, while spreading the scent around your home.”

4. Freshen up your fridge

“Keep your fridge smelling clean by placing a small bowl of baking soda infused with a few drops of essential oil inside your fridge. This will help absorb odours and leave a fresh scent. This is a great way to keep your fridge smelling great without resorting to harsh chemicals.”

5. Refresh your microwave

Refresh your microwave by placing a small bowl of water with drops of scent inside the microwave. As it runs, the steam helps to break down grease and food residue while leaving a fresh scent. Simply wipe down with a cloth, and your microwave will be clean and smelling great.”

Brenda Kimble

Brenda Kimble is an entrepreneur and mother of 2 daughters and a son, plus their beagle named Duke! She loves blogging, crafting, and spending time with her family.