Discover the Scents and Flavours that Define the UK! NESCAFÉ Unveils Popular Smell & Taste Trends

A recent survey from NESCAFÉ has revealed which tastes and smells leave the most lasting impressions on the UK public. With 78% of people reporting their favourite drink enhances their mood, the survey uncovers fascinating insights into taste and smell preferences of Brits.

Sweet sensations and aroma preferences

Polling over 2,000 individuals across the UK, the survey highlights a strong preference for sweet flavours among the UK public, with 38% identifying ‘sweet’ as their favourite taste sensation, followed by ‘savoury’ (27%) and ‘spicy’ (19%). Belfast emerged as the city with the biggest sweet tooth, with 50% of residents selecting ‘sweet’ as their greatest taste sensation.

When it comes to aromas, flowers and freshly cut grass were the most pleasing scents, chosen by 23% of respondents. 

Flavours that define us

When asked about their favourite flavours, the UK population showcased a diverse palette. Chocolate reigns supreme, with 47% of respondents favouring it, particularly in Glasgow, where 55% named it their top choice. Vanilla (29%) and caramel (27%) follow closely, indicating a strong national inclination towards these sweeter flavours.

Interestingly, the gap between chocolate and vanilla is narrowing among younger generations. Among Gen Z respondents, the difference is just 4%, with 39% preferring chocolate and 35% opting for vanilla. This shift hints at an evolving palate, where classic flavours like vanilla and caramel are becoming increasingly prominent.

Generational and regional trends

The survey reveals notable differences in sensory preferences across generations and regions. Gen Z (16-24 years old) are the most adventurous when it comes to trying new flavours, with 85% expressing a willingness to explore new tastes. In contrast, only 56% of those aged 55 and above share this adventurous spirit. Regionally, in Glasgow, chocolate is the favourite flavour for 55% of residents, while younger generations are showing a growing preference for vanilla.

When it comes to scents, coastal cities like Plymouth and Southampton have a strong preference for ocean breeze scents, while residents of Brighton lean towards flowers and grass. 

Mood, memories and the power of coffee

The emotional connection to flavour is profound. A significant 78% of people reported that their favourite drink enhances their mood, with 43% indicating that their taste preferences change throughout the day based on their mood.

When asked what food/drink scents Brits love the most, freshly baked goods lead the charge, with 21% agreeing. Coffee remains a beloved aroma, particularly among the boomer generation, with 49% of respondents selecting it as their top choice. Additionally, 40% have specific memories tied to the smell or taste of coffee, underscoring its emotional significance.

Gold Blend’s new flavours

The survey results coincide with the launch of new Vanilla and Caramel flavours from NESCAFÉ Gold Blend. Crafted to enhance these sensory experiences, providing a comforting and indulgent option that aligns with the UK’s evolving flavour and aroma preferences. These new additions celebrate the deep connection between taste, aroma, and emotional memories.

“Our survey highlights the UK’s deep affection for sweet sensations, with vanilla emerging as a top aroma, particularly in regions like Greater London and the West Midlands” says Ingrid Hayes, Marketing Director of Nescafé Soluble Coffee.

“We’re thrilled to introduce our new NESCAFÉ Gold Blend flavours – vanilla and caramel. These additions to the Gold Blend range not only enhance the sensory experience but also provide a comforting and indulgent option for coffee lovers. They are designed to delight British taste buds and evoke the cherished memories and emotions that only great flavours can.”

Tatiana Rehmova

A glass half-full kind of a girl and a believer that everything happens for a reason, Tatiana works in Media Relations. She loves writing, spotting inspiring stories, and building meaningful relationships.