Top Life Coach Reveals 5 Signs You’re Not Ready To Get Married
Do you know someone getting ready to tie the knot? This huge milestone commits you to a person forever, so you must make sure that you’re truly ready to follow through. Although there are ways of reversing this commitment, most people would prefer not to have to go through the trouble. That’s why its overly important that you are personally fit for it and fully know what you’re getting yourself into.
We have worked with top coach Carole Ann Rice who gave us 5 signs that you should hold off getting married.
1. Unwilling to budge
Marriage is effectively the best example of compromise. You have to be willing to change and to make sacrifices for each other in order for things to work out. If you struggle with this proposition, you should really consider your choice to get married. Nothing will be easy if you’re unwilling to change your ways and see things from your partners perspective.
2. What’s mine is not yours
This viewpoint is like a ship sailing for an iceberg ‑ its bound to make you sink. When you are getting married, you’re essentially signing up to share everything in your life with a person. If you struggle with sharing and being 50/50 with anything, its not creating a good outlook on your marriage.
3. Not your maid
This may seem like an obvious point, but it often is overlooked, especially if you have limited experience living with the person you are marrying. There are going to be times in your marriage where you have no choice to clean up after the other person, and vice versa. If you struggle with even the thought of this, it’s something you need to work on before getting married.
4. Social butterfly
Are you not ready to stop the wild nights out? Chances are, your partner expects it to come to an end at a certain point in your relationship. Though time apart from your spouse is important, sometimes these rogue evenings can create problems in the relationship because it could lead to mistrust and questioning whether the party animal in the relationship is ready to settle down.
5. Common ground
Compatibility is key. The belief that your potential spouse has on major topics such as family planning, money, values, sex, and so much more, are hard to change. If you have yet to have a conversation and find a common ground on these topics, you should hold off the marriage. These areas are integral because they are a key part of the person and it’s unlikely that they re willing to stray too far from their beliefs in these areas.
Of course, there are so many other ways in which you need to prepare yourself before getting married. These are really only some of the basic points in a very complicated, intimidating, and tenacious proposal. The key to getting married is making sure you are content with yourself and your partner, and ensuring that you re absolutely ready to commit to your life with this person.