Dating App Startup Gives Furloughed Marketers a Purpose
London startup Brezaa, the interests-based dating app, has embraced the current COVID-19 situation by bringing a team of furloughed marketing experts on-board to work on the app.

Seven marketers joined Brezaa in May on a voluntary basis, bringing their experience in digital marketing, content creation, social media, PR, analytics and retention. All of them were put on furlough by their marketing day jobs as part of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, so took the opportunity to keep contributing creatively by supporting a UK startup.
Brezaa founder, Solomon Adesioye, said “During this isolation lockdown people want to connect more than ever. With our dating app we’re able to help people make meaningful connections they can build on, that will enable them to filter better potential matches once we are out of lockdown. The opportunity arose for us to bring in some additional marketing support during this time, so I really wanted to find people that could help us as we much as we could help them with regards to expanding each other’s skills and experience”.
Adesioye continued: “We placed an advert on a recruitment website and within a day we had dozens of applications, which was amazing. Everybody was happy to work on a voluntary basis. The team have been researching dating app trends, working on ideas for social media campaigns, assisting with presentations for investors, creating fresh content and sharing lessons learned from their previous and existing roles. It’s been a great benefit so far for Brezaa and I hope it has been for the team also”.
Brezaa is a free dating app for iPhone and Android, which aims to make meeting people less awkward and more fun, through true or false personalised icebreakers and interests matching with smart intelligence algorithms.

The in-app game ‘I Choose You Choose’ allows users to select true or false statements about themselves from a pre-selected list of choices. Other users can then guess true or false to those statements as a fun alternative way to match with each other, which can help users skip the awkwardness and start a conversation.
Brezaa launched in 2018 and is available to download from the Apple App Store and Google Play. For more information visit Brezaa.com.