When You Need a Consult With a Family Law Solicitor

Family law is the area of the law which deals with personal matters such as marriage, divorce, custody of children and civil unions. If you are newly married or need a divorce and need to understand this, it is best to contact Family defense Attorneys – Law Office of Seth C. Weston. Since human relationships develop without regard to the letter of the law, it’s hard to know when you need expert advice. Here, we give you a few pointers on when it’s time to pick up the phone and call your one of the best Private Client Solicitors.
Significant changes in your personal life are often accompanied by a range of legal requirements or formalities. Consulting family law solicitors will help you to understand what your legal situation is and what options are open to you. Here are a few examples of when it might be in your interests to pick up the phone and talk to your trusted family law advisor.
You are getting married or entering into a civil union
Congratulations! A couple deciding to spend the rest of their lives together and make their relationship official is a wonderfully happy moment and a cause for celebration. It also has a number of legal ramifications which you’ll need to consider before taking the plunge.
Among other things, you may wish to consider entering into a prenuptial agreement with your future spouse. Often called “prenups” for short, prenuptial agreements are agreements entered into prior to marriage which set out which property each spouse is bringing into the marriage and how this should be divided up between them if they later separate.
This might not seem like a very romantic notion when you are in the first flush of engagement bliss. However, with more and more marriages ending in divorce, it’s wise to take a pragmatic approach. A prenuptial agreement could help you to avoid acrimony and alleviate stress if the marriage does eventually break down.
Our family law solicitors at DPH can help you to draft a prenuptial agreement which is fair, reasonable, and flexible enough to allow for future changes. Once it’s signed, you can start your life together knowing that the future holds one less worry.
Your marriage has broken down
Sadly, not all marriages last. Accepting that a relationship has come to an end and deciding to separate or file for divorce can sometimes be the best option for all involved. However, the process can be complicated and take years to completely settle. Even establishing whether you are entitled to apply for a divorce can be tricky.
But when should you call a family law solicitor? The breakdown of a relationship is so complex and emotionally fraught, it can be hard to pinpoint the moment when legal advice becomes necessary. Broadly speaking, it would be wise to call your family lawyer even before you separate if you have been experiencing marital difficulties over an extended period.
Consulting your lawyer doesn’t mean that you’ve committed to leaving or getting a divorce. Things could still get back on track. However, if you’re unhappy in your legal union, your partner has had an affair or you simply feel like you’ve grown apart, divorce could be on the cards and it’s worth checking out your options to prepare and protect yourself.
Your marriage has broken down…and children are involved
The end of a marriage has serious implications for any children of the married couple. Since one of the immediate consequences of a separation is the partners no longer living under one roof, issues of child custody will arise. Which parent children will go to live with and what visiting rights the other parent will have are key issues to be addressed as part of the divorce settlement.
Entitlement to and payment of child maintenance are also questions which need to be settled. Melbourne Family Lawyers are well versed in all aspects of child custody and parental responsibility. We can ensure that your child receives the maintenance to which it is entitled by law and can help you to deal with the Child Support Agency or draft an appropriate agreement.
You have experienced domestic violence
According to the lawyers from NJ Defense Law Firm, domestic violence is a common issue and phenomenon that affects both men and women. Children are often involved as well, which can cause them serious psychological problems over the short- or long term. Domestic violence can take many forms, from physical-, sexual- or verbal abuse to preventing a partner from exercising their chosen religion or isolating them from their friends and family. If your partner has become abusive, you will feel exposed and vulnerable. A family law solicitor can step in to help and make sure you are protected. People often ask – can I own a gun if you have a domestic violence charge, which is essential for their safety.
Our domestic violence lawyers can help you to obtain an injunction against the person who is causing you harm. This can take the form of a non-molestation order (which protects the abused party from threats, intimidation or pestering by the other party) or an occupation order, which will limit one party’s occupation rights in the home or exclude them altogether.
If you feel like you are stuck in a cycle of abuse, do not be afraid to call us. It could be the first step towards a safer, calmer life.