How to Cope with Trying; Ways to Look After Yourself and Your Partner when Struggling to Conceive

Deciding to add to your family is one of the biggest conversations you could have in your relationship, but what happens when you face fertility issues?
Perhaps you’ve been in a long-term relationship and know everything about one another, or maybe it’s your first serious relationship; having the conversation about infertility or fertility issues can be daunting, which is why it is important to know how to broach the subject!
Fertility supplement providers, Proxeed, have shared a range of tips in its latest campaign on how fertility issues can sometimes cause a strain on relationships, and how to care for yourselves and each other in an often troubling rollercoaster of emotions.
Infertility 411
Infertility in couples is much more common than we’d think, with around 1 in 7 couples experiencing difficulties when trying for a baby. Although it may feel like a lonely and scary place to be, you are not alone.
There is no one solution fits all, with there being a range of causes for infertility. Your GP can provide guidance and recommend fertility tests for women to assess reproductive health and identify potential issues. In addition to medical intervention, taking care of your mental and physical well-being, as well as that of your partner, is essential in navigating the emotional journey of fertility challenges.
Communication is key, we hear it a lot. Throughout the journey, couples can face a range of stresses, may that be from sexual stress to financial worries. But discussing any concerns with your partner regarding fertility is so important, but how do you start that conversation without causing any upset?
Relationship psychologist, Mairead Molly, suggests keeping the lines of communication open. Finding a balance between allowing it to consume your world, but also not shutting the problem out is key, your partner may not want to discuss it, whilst you may be consumed by it. Finding that balance is important, and you can only do so by discussing it with your partner.
Taking care of number one (and two)
Trying for a baby can be a challenging time for couples, and when you have issues along your baby making journey, it can really add a strain to your relationship. Although you both want the same thing, it is important to check in and understand your partner’s point of view. Your partner may be reluctant to share your journey with friends and family, whilst you might find it helpful to, yet it is important to respect their wishes.
Another helpful tip is to try and inject passion back into your relationship. When trying for a baby, and struggling, sex can become a chore and something that neither of you enjoy. To reclaim the physical side of your relationship is important, and to make sex about passion and intimacy. Trying different sexual positions is not only fun but can help make your partner feel loved again, and less of a baby-making machine!
For more helpful tips on how to help cope with struggling to conceive, head to Proxeed’s blog to find ways you can help look after both you and your partner during an often difficult time. If you would like to share your experiences of trying to get pregnant, share your story online using the hashtag, #theartoftrying.