How to Have the First Successful Halal Date?

Dating is a difficult subject for Muslims. Such meetings are often condemned by society. But Islam teaches us good and pure love, so it is possible to meet with a spouse before marriage. The main thing is that it is done with the right intentions and the right rules. So how to spend a halal date to make it successful?
- Be old enough to start dating
Islam does not specify the age at which people can enter into relationships. But it is desirable that you were at the age when you can rent Lamborghini in Dubai. Or any other car. Many rental companies offer a wide range of models. Modern service allows hiring a car for a few days or hours. That means you can use a rental service for your first date. It’s very simple and convenient to rent a car on the Internet.
In general, Islam supports early marriage so that people do not succumb to various temptations. So once people feel they’re ready for a relationship, they can start dating. But the goal should not be a temporary relationship, but a lifelong partner.
- Warn the parents
Before you become attached to a girl, tell your parents about her. They should let you date her. If they do not say no, you will be able to move on with confidence. Note that her parents may also not approve of your candidacy.
- Date in a public place or with a third person
The purpose of halal dating is to protect from temptation and to give the opportunity to love the purity and individuality of the other half. Such meetings should therefore be held with an escort or in a public place. Ideally, the date should be attended by a relative of the boy or girl.

In extreme cases, you can go with friends or meet in a public place. Even in a conversation on the phone or in the messenger, you can tap a third party. In this case, the escort may not participate in your conversations, but only quietly observe. Beware of frequent communication in messages, they can enhance your interest in each other.
- No sex
Although sex before marriage is considered to be the norm in many countries, it is radically forbidden in Islam between unmarried people. Moreover, you can not even talk about physical intimacy. Kissing and other intimate acts are also prohibited. It is very important to keep a clean heart and mind until the wedding.
- Don’t hurry!

Many people often want to take communication with a partner to the next level – express their love physically. This makes them act rashly. They rush to make an offer to have sex with the other half. This should be avoided. Wait with a responsible step until you are sure that the partner is really right for you and will be a return companion in life. Try to assess the situation with your head.
But at the same time, it is not necessary to delay. If you live in the same city, then about a month should understand whether a person suits you. If so, tell them about it.
- Be a friend
Remember that the basis of a relationship is friendship. Use halal dating to establish a friendship, and then – romantic. Many forget this and succumb to temptation. Become lovers. We recommend you focus on friendship. It’s important to a healthy relationship.
Talk about your goals, about your way of life. Sincerely talk about who you are looking for, about your interests. Don’t hide anything important or lie, because the truth will come out sooner or later. Make sure you know everything you need to know about your partner.