6 Reasons Why You Should Travel Solo This Summer
Thinking about heading off on a solo adventure? Well you’re making the right decision, as going solo can be one of the most liberating and amazing experiences you will have. Here, we worked with the experts over at Baltic Travel who have put together 6 reasons why you MUST plan a solo trip this year.
1. You can enjoy the freedom
You no longer need to run your itinerary by someone or worry that your interest in historical museums is becoming an annoyance to your co-travelers. It’s your trip, your alone and you can do whatever you want (within reason). If you suddenly feel the urge to move on from that place that you feel is too busy, too hot or just not to your taste, you can travel on without question or compromise.
2. You’re more approachable
There is a lot to be said for travelling alone. It’s a known fact that travelling as an individual makes you much more approachable than travelling in a pack. This also means when you arrive to the hotel alone it will be much easier to make friends and meet people.
3. Independence
When you are sprung into a new country, a new language and a new way of life independently, you have to rely on yourself to get around efficiently and safely. When in a group it may always be lumped on the more organised person to do the map reading, but alone it’s all down to you, which means you are working on your ability to survive and be head-strong because you have too.
4. Build on your self confidence
Being alone in a foreign country means you will be open to all different kinds of things happening at one time, you will need to ask locals for directions, or haggle your way out of an extremely overpriced taxi fare. You’ll learn to take yourself out of your comfort zone and overtime you will become so confident travelling on your own that it will be second nature and you won’t even worry about it.
5. Friends for life
If you’re travelling with your friends from home, it’s often more difficult to meet new people as you tend to stick together. When travelling alone you need that interaction so you have no choice but to introduce yourself to new people from all walks of life, and a lot of the time these individuals can become friends for life and remain just a phone call away when you return home.
6. Discover Yourself
We all think we know who we are but, we never stop learning about ourselves. Travelling solo will put you in situations that you would not necessarily experience back home or while travelling with friends. Being up close and personal to poorly treated animals or backpacking through less fortunate communities can be a real eye opener. You’ll learn to handle things by yourself and you may even surprise yourself.