Five Tips to Make Flying a Whole Lot Easier

With the world opening up again, travelling abroad is finally back on the cards. Everyone wants their holiday to get off to a relaxing start and that starts before you even reach the airport. We worked with the team over at Wizz Air and here they present 5 tips to make flying easier.
Plan ahead
Check-in online 24 hours in advance. Get a paperless boarding pass and take a screenshot of it, just in case you can’t get online and get to your emails. Bring snacks. Schedule your arrival to the airport and hire an Airport Driver; make sure you know how you’re getting there as well as how to get to your destination after your flight. Wear shoes that can be easily removed to get through security quickly.
Know your hand luggage limits in advance
If you have any liquids in your hand luggage, remember to keep them separate to avoid delays at security. Staying organized in travel preparation is as crucial as managing your time well, especially if you’re planning on exploring unique destinations or even engaging in experiences like Malaysia online casino gaming during your trip. Make sure your hand luggage fits the airline’s size allowance; some allow both a small suitcase and a small bag, while others may restrict you to one. Being prepared will make getting through security quicker and ensure you can enjoy everything you’ve packed without hassle.
Choosing the best seats
The best seats are different for everyone, but everyone agrees that the middle seats are the worst. If you like to be able to get up and stretch your legs on a longer flight, like London to Tenerife which is around 4 hours 30 minutes, go for an aisle. Mid-week or evening flights are usually less crowded, and if the flight isn’t full, you may be able to move to a different seat to have space around you to be more comfortable. On a shorter flight like London to Spain, which is only around 2 hours 30 minutes, you might want to go for a window seat and take advantage of the views.
Avoid choosing a seat at the back – this is closest to the engines and is generally noisier and bumpier, and you’ll have people queuing up for the toilet next to you and possibly disturbing your mid-flight nap.
Pack emergency hand luggage
Everyone has had a moment of panic when you think your suitcase is never going to come around the conveyer belt after your flight. Pack some of your clothes in your hand luggage along in case your luggage is lost so you don’t have to wear your airport clothes for the whole week. Pack some toiletries like face cleanser, toothpaste, and deodorant in case you want to refresh on a long flight. Wear glasses instead of your contacts or take eye drops.
Download the apps
The easiest way to keep an eye on your flight information is by downloading the app of the airline you’re flying with. You can keep your boarding pass and check-in details in one place, as well as looking out for delays and cancellation information.
Other travel apps like App in the Air are great for frequent fliers, where you can track itineraries and even get airport tips from other travellers.
SeatGuru allows you to pick your perfect seat by looking at a seat map and seeing every detail and rating whether seats are good or bad, and why.