How to Conquer Jet Lag on Your Winter Getaway

As winter approaches and thousands prepare to jet abroad in search of sunnier climes, we will be looking for tips on how to conquer that dreaded jet lag. We all know the feeling: You’re groggy at dinner, but unable to sleep at night; you can’t muster hunger at socially appropriate times and even your digestive system doesn’t seem to cooperate.
Sleep expert Dr Daisy has teamed up with Get Laid Beds to share insight into how to get good sleep in a different bed to the one we are used to at home.
Maintaining routine, managing jet lag where applicable and relaxation techniques among the best pieces of advice to sleeping in foreign beds.
Sleep expert Dr Daisy says; “Many of us have a really difficult time acclimatising to a new bedroom and sleeping environment whenever we go on holiday or are away for whatever reason. That being said, there are ways to alleviate the drastic change in our routine so that going to bed and the sleep you get when away doesn’t impact your daytime activities too much”
Bring Familiar Items
“Having some familiar items from home can provide a sense of comfort and familiarity in a foreign bed. Consider bringing your own pillow, a favourite blanket, or even a small item with a comforting scent to create a more familiar sleep environment.
Your brain will connect these things to being at home and will hopefully in turn put you more at ease when it comes to bedtime.”
Prepare Your Environment
“Make the foreign bed as comfortable as possible. If necessary, ask for extra pillows or blankets to create a sleep-friendly setting. Use earplugs, an eye mask, or white noise machines to block out any unfamiliar noises or light that may disrupt your sleep. Make sure the room is not too hot or too cold – 16-18 degrees C is ideal. Trying to replicate the same level of comfort you feel at home is essential”
Practice Good Sleep Hygiene
“Maintain healthy sleep habits regardless of the bed you’re sleeping in. Establish a consistent sleep schedule, wind down for sleep as you would at home, avoid stimulants like caffeine and electronics before bed, and create a calm and dark environment for sleep.
This is obviously easier said than done when on holiday but any attempt to keep some sort of schedule and regularity will prove beneficial. Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water during the daytime.
Why not ditch the alarm clock on holiday? Those who wake up naturally usually feel less groggy and more refreshed.”
Avoid Excessive Eating and Drinking
“Again, much easier said than done when you’re out having fun on holiday, but if you’re really struggling with sleep, heavy meals and excessive alcohol consumption can disrupt your sleep quality significantly. Opt for lighter meals in the evening and limit alcohol intake, as it can negatively affect sleep patterns and overall restfulness.”
Manage Jet Lag
“This is a really tough one to overcome but if you can, it will make all the difference. If you’re dealing with jet lag due to travelling across time zones, it’s essential to adjust your sleep schedule gradually.
Expose yourself to natural sunlight during the day to help regulate your circadian rhythm. Avoid napping too close to bedtime, as it may disrupt your sleep-wake cycle. Additionally, if you can, get some exercise in during the day to really tire yourself out, then when it’s bedtime you’ll be asleep as soon as you hit the pillow”