Motivation Monday: Take The First Step Towards A Healthier Lifestyle!

October 29, 2012

Motivation Monday

This applies to any fitness activity and not just running. Taking the first step toward beginning a fitness routine is usually the most difficult. We are often making excuses like, ‘I don’t have time’, ‘I already have a busy schedule’,  ‘I can’t squeeze exercise in my day’. But keeping a healthy balance is key. You need to take charge of your health and adopting a can-do attitude and set yourself some realistic goals.

Regular exercise can work wonders in so many different areas of your life. You will have a better body, a positive outlook on life, be less stressed and sleep better. So make the decision today to alter your train of thought and stop coming up with excuses of why you can’t look after your health.

Take that first step towards changing your life by getting a plan in place to improve your health.Write down what you would like to achieve? What is your plan? What will success look like. And then without any further delay, put that plan into action.

Remember the first step is always the hardest but you’ll never regret it.

Happy Monday!


Photo courtesy of itsabeautylife

Sabi Phagura is Your Coffee Breaks resident fittness expert. She is an accredited fitness instructor, talented freelance journalist and a inspirational woman who once upon a time used to be overweight, but inspirationally turned her life around to lead a healthy lifestyle. Sabi has her own popular blog fitlass: