How to Better Your Chances Of Getting the Job
We’ve all have devastatingly embarrassing and frustrating interviews. The kind where you’re thinking, “why did I even apply to that place?” So, we all know that a job posting and an interview is not always all that it’s cracked up to be. That’s why we are all so let down when we find a great job that won’t call us back or never responds to our resume submission. Trying to do that fifty times over sounds utterly unbearable for most of us. Instead, we want to know how to pick a great place and land that job the first time.
Here’s what you need to know about finding the right employer and making a lasting impression, so much so that they have no other choice but to give you the job.
Don’t Rely Only on Career Websites
Career websites are a wonderful way for you to get your name out there to employers. In addition, you can get a great sense of who’s hiring in your market. You can use free job posting sites to truly find out what kind of individual employers are looking for. Research is your best friend. I always suggest using job sites as a starting point so that you know what needs to be on your resume, what companies you might want to impress, and who exactly you need to get in contact with. You never know, (with the right resume) you might even get an exceptional employer to reach out to you, but you should know that it’s probably unlikely.
With that being said, it’s very important that you don’t make the employer do all of the work for you. If you really want the job, you should be willing to reach out to them and find out more information. Use the information that you find on job posting sites to dig a little bit deeper. Find out more about the company, find important people on professional social media sites, look up employee reviews of the business. Once you have this information and have settled on an ideal company that you’d like to work for, be prepared to reach out to them in other ways than just the job posting.
Making an Impression
Of course, sending your resume over is the first step that every employer wants and needs you to take. However, it’s hard for an employer to really get to know you just from a few sheets of paper. You should make your resume different than everyone else’s. Make it sleek, professional, unique, and eye-catching. Now, even though you’ve got a fantastic resume, how can this person truly remember you? Assume that every candidate out there is doing exactly what you are doing. This employer may have received twenty beautiful resumes today. What sets you apart? It should be your willingness to go above and beyond.
Okay, so before I talked about finding important players on professional social media sites. This is a great first step towards letting employers know that you’re interested in the position. If you don’t have professional social media accounts yourself, go ahead and create some today! LinkedIn is always a great one, but you can also create professional Facebook and Twitter accounts that simply showcase yourself as an employee and your work. Think of it as an online portfolio. Only upload information to your account that you would want an employer to see. Reach out to the employer and persons of interest and add or “friend” their account to get a conversation started. Simply let them know that you sent over your resume and you’re looking forward to chatting with them — nothing overwhelming or desperate sounding, just preliminary chit chat and leave it at that. It’s great to have a professional photo of yourself as well, just so they can put a face to the name.
Talking in Person
Some might say being able to talk over the phone or in person is something of a lost art. We are so used to using the internet for everything that it seems strange to want to drop off a resume in person or start a conversation with an employer in person. However, because this is an unexpected thing to do, you can actually use it to your advantage. Assuming that you already went through the above steps, your next step is to give it a little bit of time then plan on making an appearance in person. Set up an appointment if necessary to be polite and you can let them know that you just wanted to introduce yourself and get to know them and the company (almost like your own interview). Sure, this approach might not work with every potential employer, but I’d say it’s more than worth a try.
If you’re able to swing by or set up an appointment keep it short and sweet, “I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but my name is Trisha and I wanted to introduce myself. I did some research about the company and I’m very excited about this potential opportunity. I have a range of skillsets that would work perfectly for the job. Anyway, if you have a moment I’d just like to know about you and the company.”
The purpose of the visit is to show that you mean business and you genuinely want to know more about the company, the employees, and the atmosphere. Of course, bring an extra resume to leave with whomever you speak with. Even if you have to leave a message with the receptionist, just let the people in charge know that you’re keeping it friendly, conversational, and you’re excited to show them what you have to offer. It doesn’t have to come across as prying or pressuring to know more information about if you’ll get an interview or if you’ll be selected for the job — in fact don’t even bring that up. Keep it about your interest in the company.
It’s really important for you to appreciate the company and not the position. If I can offer one solid piece of advice, it’s to get to know the company and the people before you ever apply. Applying for a job just because you read a description does not guarantee you any happiness. If you truly want to work a steady job at a company that you are proud of, try and take this approach. Dollar signs do not make a happy employee. A job title does not make a happy employee. I would honestly say the best thing you can do for your career is to pick a company that aligns with what you want out of your career and then show them why you’re the best person for the job.