3 Benefits of Having a Personal Trainer to Get Fit

3 Benefits of Having a Personal Trainer to Get Fit

January 5, 2018

When you’ve decided that you wish to change your life by losing weight and getting physically fit, then you have some decisions to make. You can go it alone by walking and jogging in the park, join a gym and follow their programme each week, or sign up with a personal trainer.

Not everyone is clear about the benefits of having a personal trainer. Does it provide real value or make it more likely that you’ll achieve your health and fitness goals? Let’s find out.

1. Customised Health & Fitness Programme

When working with a trainer that you’ve hired personally, you get an ally who is on your side with your workout goals. While friends might get jealous of you and fear that you’ll end up looking more attractive than them, a trainer has no such conflicts for you to worry about.

Take New Body Training’s personal trainer Coventry program as an example. There, you’ll follow along with group fitness sessions each week and follow a suggested meal plan to help you stay on-track and avoid sabotaging yourself. An online food diary and a progress tracker helps inform every person involved with the team how they’re doing against their personal goals.

2. Better Accountability

Working out alone, it’s easy to slip up and tell yourself you’ll skip the workout and pick things up again tomorrow. Then you skip the next day, and so on. Having a fitness buddy to exercise with is one way to get around this problem, but they aren’t always as strict with you as they should be, especially if they’re your friend. With a personal trainer, it’s different.

You’ve worked hard to earn the money to pay for the trainer and their time. They are not free. If you skip a workout, you know you are throwing money down the drain and you’ll either have to lie that you were sick, a friend came into town unexpectedly, or be honest about why you never showed up. Having a personal trainer helps you become more accountable than you would without one. This leads to a greater likelihood that you’ll complete your fitness and meal plans because you have more riding on the outcome than you would otherwise.

3. Faster Results While Avoiding Injury Setbacks

Trainers are good at accessing your body’s strengths and weaknesses. They can create custom workout programmes that play to your strengths to get your body fitter sooner while also working on improving your weak areas at the same time. Because they know what you’re capable of because they’ve tested you, they can avoid using equipment or getting you into fitness positions that would cause too much stress on the body and potentially an injury. Other than the pain associated with any injury and during the healing period, sustaining an injury is also a blow to any health and fitness goal.

A detailed meal plan is often part of the package with a personal training package. Being able to get nutritional advice is great for eating better meals that avoid hunger pangs and prevent late-night snacking that would sabotage your weight loss goals.

Having a personal trainer is like having a life coach for other areas of your life. It means there’s better strategic planning, public accountability and steady progress towards your goals to look forward to. What’s not to like?

With a degree in English Literature from the University of Cambridge, Amy is a freelance writer and columnist. At YCB Magazine, she writes about all things lifestyle, travel & wellness.