7 Tips to Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night

Parenting is the toughest gig around and babies are tough to care for. Between colic, teething, the constant diaper changes, the feedings, and the other fun stuff that is associated with caring for an infant – it is tough work! And one of the hardest things as well when it comes to caring for a baby is finding a way to once and for all get your baby to sleep through the night!
Yes, that is a tough one. And, unfortunately, newborns do not come with a schedule and will only act on instinct.
Additionally, under 6 weeks of age, a newborn cannot work on a schedule or a routine because they will be hungry at unpredictable times during the day and night. Their stomachs are so tiny and only can hold in teaspoons at a time. And yet they are growing so they need to sleep and eat.
However, by the time your baby is 6 weeks of age, that is when your little bundle of joy can start getting the hang of nights and days – and this is the time to implement some tips for getting your baby to sleep.
Are you ready to start learning about how you can make your life easier with this? If so then good because you are about to learn the 7 tips to get your baby to sleep through the night:
1. Turn on the lights and be noisy during the day and keep it hush-hush and dark at night

This tip won’t do much before your baby is 6 weeks of age because your baby will be too young to get the difference between night and day but it doesn’t hurt utilizing this tip right after birth anyway. But once your newborn hits that age milestone, you will want to keep utilizing this tip consistently.
During the day, keep the lights bright and the blinds open. Put on the TV and keep the volume up. Talk to your friends on the phone. The day time is the time for your baby to be awake! However, at night, dim the lights or turn it off if you can, and turn off the TV. Talk quietly, and this way your baby will start realizing that nighttime is the time to stay quiet because it is the time to go to bed.
It will take time for your baby to really put the two and two together, but as long as you are consistent, then it will happen, your baby will set his or her body clock, and will start sleeping through the night.
2. Allow your baby to fall asleep on his or her own
Once your baby is over 6 weeks you can start implementing this tip because his or her natural circadian rhythm is beginning to form. Once your baby is sleepy at night, then put him or her on the back in the crib and allow your infant to settle. It may take a while for it to happen and some crying will be expected but don’t give in after knowing the baby has been cleaned, fed, burped, and is comfortable. And whatever you do, don’t rock your baby to sleep or else he or she will depend on it and will not want to fall asleep independently.

3. Give your baby a bath before the time you plan to put your baby to bed
A soothing bath for the baby with infant lavender body wash will get your baby calm and ready for bed. Warm water alone will get your baby sleepy. You will then dry your baby up well, and then pop him or her into comfortable and warm pajamas during the cold months, or in a baby onesie during the hot months so that he or she stays comfortable. Sing your baby a lullaby or read a bedtime story to help him or her tired for bed as well. Remember to put your baby to bed at an appropriate time as well such as 7:30 or 8 pm.
4. Get a white noise machine, or put on some calming music in the background in the nursery

White noise is what helps lull anyone to sleep. Fans also provide white noise. But don’t get a fan for the nursery as you don’t want to risk your baby getting a draft. Additionally, you will only want to get a white noise machine or an app that is specifically meant for babies. With that said, you will want to be careful with the white noise volume settings as it can be harmful if the noise is too loud.
Calming music in the background such as ambient or classical will help your baby sleep as well as it will have the same effect.
5. Stretch the night feedings

Newborns are going to need to be fed every 2 to 3 hours, however, as they begin to grow, they will need to be fed less often. You will want to make the best use of this as it is a good idea to give your baby a feeding before bed so that he or she will be full for the night and won’t need to be fed again for another 5 hours or so.
6. Make sure your baby naps during the day at appropriate times
This may sound counterintuitive, but your baby will not sleep well through the night if he or she is overtired. And, that will happen if your baby does not nap during the day at appropriate times. However, once your baby is 3 to 4 months, you will want to limit the napping as well during the day or else he or she will not be tired enough to sleep at night. By that point, a nap for an hour to two hours maximum in the morning and again in the afternoon is sufficient. Don’t allow your baby to nap after dinner time.
Make sure to always keep your baby comfortable, this includes keeping your baby clothes soft and clean for maximum comfort for your baby to sleep in.
7. Be patient
Your baby will have some nights where he or she sleeps well through the night. And, there will be other nights where your baby will not be sleeping so well. Especially during the times of growth spurts and teething. This is normal and it is frustrating. All you can do is keep the bedtime routine you had created by using the above tips consistent no matter what your baby’s phase happens to be at the time.
One of the hardest parts about caring for a baby is getting your baby to sleep through the night. However, with consistency, patience, and by utilizing the tips