Everything You Need to Know Before Getting Braces

The primary purpose of orthodontic treatments like invisalign is to enhance the alignment and appearance of protruding, crowded, or crooked teeth. If you are considering braces, there are a range of treatment options available to you, each of which vary in cost and length of treatment. Eccella Smiles – orthodontics ensures a beautiful smile through teeth straightening, smile correction, or braces. Although getting braces is something to look forward to, you’ll likely have many questions about what the treatment will entail, and what the success rates are. To give you a better sense of what to expect, here is everything you need to know and do before getting braces.
Pick the Right Treatment
In the past, many patients were limited in terms of what braces they could get. Traditional braces used to be the go-to treatment, which consists of standard metal brackets that are fixed on your teeth and connected by wire. While there are many positives that traditional braces can give you, there are other treatment options available.
More and more people are considering clear braces which blend in better and are less noticeable. There are removable braces you can consider too, meaning they can be taken out when you eat. And beyond just aesthetic improvement, braces equipped with the latest technology can provide substantial benefits in terms of oral health and functionality. At The Brace Place, they use cutting-edge techniques to ensure that each patient achieves the best possible results from their orthodontic treatment. This approach not only improves the appearance but also the overall health of your teeth and gums. Regardless of what route you go down, make sure you read patient ratings and reviews before making your mind up.
Know the Costs Involved
Once you look into teeth braces and find a treatment that’s right for you, you need to be aware of the costs that are involved. Straight My Teeth have a thorough guide that answers questions such as, how do braces work, and how much braces cost in the UK? Straight My Teeth launched in 2018, and in just two years, the company has helped hundreds of people achieve their perfect smile, so they’re the perfect resource. If you’re unsure what steps to take, you can opt for a free assessment.
You must have a budget in place before committing to braces. If you’re counting the pennies, there may be payment plans available that can be easier to manage financially. Above anything else, the last thing you want is to get into debt, which is why you must work out your income and outgoings before going any further.
Prepare for Discomfort
While braces can help you on your journey of achieving the perfect smile, you do need to be prepared for discomfort and some pain along the way. If you’re sticking with traditional braces, getting them tightened can cause pain and soreness for a number of days after. If you have a low pain threshold, you must remember that that the discomfort linked with braces tends to be mild. This means the vast majority of patients can easily manage their pain and use painkillers if necessary.
There are other tips that can give you pain relief from braces, including eating soft foods, using an oral anesthetic, massaging your gums, or placing an ice pack against your cheek. If you’re struggling at all throughout the process, try and remember the mantra ‘no pain, no gain’. However, if the pain is too severe, seek help from a dentist as soon as possible.
Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene
Once you have your braces fitted, you must keep on top of your oral hygiene. Whether you opt for metal braces or clear aligners, you can’t slack on your brushing and flossing. Although it will be a little more difficult to reach all areas of your mouth, taking more time and care is key for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
Before you get braces, get into the habit of carrying a toothbrush and travel-sized toothpaste with you. Items can get stuck between the wires and brackets easily, meaning you should have a gum-safe toothpick handy too. Tooth decay can occur if you neglect your oral hygiene, so while braces may make your teeth straight and appealing, know that plaque can build up and cause severe damage.
See Your Dentist Regularly
When getting braces and receiving treatment, you still need to see your dentist along the way. Even if your orthodontic treatment is short, having regular appointments with your dentist will help keep your teeth and gums in check. Your dentist will be able to spot any signs of plaque or decay which can be sorted out immediately.
While your orthodontist’s job will be to straighten your teeth, this cannot be done if your mouth has cavities. What’s more, severe gum disease can impact the success of your orthodontic treatment, which is why you must see your dentist regularly. Your dentist will have special instruments that they can use while you have braces which will make sure any plaque that has accumulated is eradicated before cavities occur.
While there are numerous benefits that are associated with braces, unless you follow the guidance above, you may not be happy with the end result. To achieve the perfect smile and maintain healthy teeth and gums, you must regularly see your dentist and orthodontist who will help you on your journey of getting straighter teeth.