Introducing: The Vegan Life Podcast
It’s the podcast the UK had been clearly waiting for, reaching number 4 in the UK food category shortly after launching in February. Focusing entirely on creating great vegan food, the podcast is hosted by comedian, writer and all-round foodie Jake Yapp and joined each week by the very best vegan chefs, bakers and food-gurus out there.
The Vegan Life Magazine podcast came of age this week with the release of episode #10.
Jake’s guests for this milestone event “ Mind Your Peas and Barbecues” – the Vegan BBQ Special, are Derek Sarno of Wicked Kitchen and best-selling author and recipe writer, Rukmini Iyer. So slip, slap and slop, get ready for summer with this super sizzling episode and throw something nice on the barbie.
Best described as a veganised Kitchen Cabinet, the podcast has so far covered, Baking, One Pot Wonders, Frugal Recipes, whole foods, Fine Dining, Desserts, Celebration Meals, Comfort Food, Seafood Alternatives and Italian, all served up with a great sense of humour and a dab of sauce. And… if you want to know what to do with tofu, you’ll be spoilt for choice with the guests delivering a smorgasbord of ideas.
Next week Jake is joined by the Happy Pear for “Rule of Tum” – a Vegan Gut Health Special! Future guests include BOSH!, Monami Frost, and MasterChef winner Tim Anderson.
New episodes are released every Friday on every popular podcast platform just type The Vegan Life Podcast.