A Guide to Your Health and Hormones
We often like to put the blame on our own hormones when something strange occurs to our bodies. Hormonal imbalances are partly responsible, but what do hormones exactly do to influence our well-being?
The term “hormonal” has always been associated with the word “moody”. That’s because hormones are thought to have a significant impact on how a person feels. However, these special chemicals in the body affect more than just your moods and emotions. They facilitate various bodily functions, including growth, movement, sleep patterns, reproduction, sex drive, and appetite, to name a few. Hormones are figuratively referred to as the body’s software, which ensures that everything runs smoothly, as long as they are perfectly balanced in number. Otherwise, when a hormone is out of whack, there’s a high possibility that something wrong or unusual is about to happen.
While it might be surprising to find out, the endocrine system has approximately 50 different types of bodily hormones. This means that they are not just located in one specific part but all over the body. They travel through the bloodstream to transmit signals from the glands all the way to the cell receptors that deliver the information to the brain. Depending on the chemical information, the brain will decide whether to “activate” or “deactivate” bodily processes. The following are a couple of the most important hormones of the body. And if you need to boost your hormone levels, there are hormone replacement procedures and treatments like this hormone therapy in Las Vegas, NV or hormone optimization in Evanston, IL that provide bioidentical hormones and HRT. Consult with your doctor to determine if you are a good candidate for a hormone replacement therapy such as BHRT in Gurnee, IL.
Sleep is an essential part of your daily wellness routines. As critical as it may sound, not everyone gets an adequate amount of sleep. Many factors can influence a person’s sleep quality, including stress, existing sleep disorders, irregular sleep patterns, too much caffeine, and shifting work schedules. Without sufficient sleep, the body finds it difficult to regain strength and get back on track. This affects the body’s ability to produce a sleep-promoting hormone called melatonin; and just like a vicious cycle, hormonal imbalances affect bodily processes in return.
Melatonin is a well-known hormone produced naturally by the brain’s pineal gland. It is released into the bloodstream to facilitate a transition to sleep and inspire a sense of drowsiness. Nighttime encourages the pineal gland to start producing melatonin. Daytime causes a halt in its production, allowing the body to regain consciousness and wake up. This means that a well-balanced amount of melatonin in the body helps to synchronise the sleep-wake cycle.
Sticking to a good sleep-wake cycle is essential to help compensate for the amount of energy you lost during the day. In case you find it difficult to fall asleep easily, there are many ways to help set you in the right frame of mind for sleep. You can find many various supplements that are great sources of melatonin, but if you prefer non-invasive techniques, a few natural sleep-inducing activities like quiet reading and doing mindful exercises before bedtime may help promote better sleep. It is also best to avoid super tight clothes, which usually trigger a reduction of melatonin production in the body.
Cortisol is considered a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It helps regulate blood pressure while acting as an anti-inflammatory response to stress. However, unlike the adverse result of reduced melatonin levels, minimal production works a way better for cortisol. Too much cortisol in the body can contribute to the development of hypertension, anxiety and other autoimmune issues. However, too little cortisol is no good either. It can be associated with low blood pressure, lightheadedness and burnout.
The amount of cortisol increases when the hypothalamus releases the stress hormone to the bloodstream. The process stimulates the heartbeat and increases the level of oxygen in your brain, causing feelings of either tension or despair.
The best way to get through this is to lead a healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and at least a 40-minute workout every day. Take note that achieving a well-balanced level of cortisol through exercise is a bit tricky. It’s ideal not to overwork your muscles and go beyond a 40-minute workout to avoid a drastic surge of cortisol in the body.
This “feel-good” hormone helps to regulate mood, memory, appetite, and well-being. Given that this hormone is widely spread in many different parts of the body, it is known for a variety of functions. However, its contribution to well-being and happiness is its primary role, among others.
Nutritional and vitamin deficiencies have been linked to a decrease in your ability to maintain normal levels of serotonin. Luckily, you can obtain serotonin through diet and supplementation. The general rule is to eat foods that contain high levels of an amino acid called tryptophan. Some of these comfort foods include milk, oat, cheese, chocolate, chicken, tuna and whole wheat bread. If you’re extra determined to boost your serotonin levels, you might want to try supplementing with CBD, whether in the form of CBD vape juice, gummies, tinctures or capsules. Cannabidiol—CBD for short—is a chemical compound known to offer relaxing properties and other essential nutrients that help nurture holistic well-being. In addition to proper diet and supplementation, other natural ways to obtain serotonin are regular workouts and exposure to sunlight.
Estrogen and Progesterone
Estrogen and progesterone are commonly referred to as female sex hormones that help regulate menstrual cycles and fertility levels to make pregnancy more possible. However, one study shows that pregnancy is not always influenced by certain fluctuations in these hormones alone. This means that other hormonal imbalances can also have a detrimental effect on fertility.
For instance, women with the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are more prone to infertility due to excess amounts of testosterone. These are male sex hormones, which give some women more body fat, lower libido, and facial hair that is more likely of men’s features. Odd levels of testosterone in female bodies can also result in irregular periods, severe pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), and depression—all of which may contribute to fertility issues.