Struggling with Addiction? These Tips Will Connect You with the Help You Need

Struggling with Addiction? These Tips Will Connect You with the Help You Need

July 13, 2022

Do you feel ready to deal with your addiction problem? If you do, you’re already taking a step in the right direction just by considering seeking help. Often, the hardest step to take is the first step, and just by checking out your options today, you’ve made an incredible start to your recovery journey. 

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Drug and alcohol addiction does not discriminate, and anybody, from any walk of life, of any age, gender or race can suffer because of substance misuse. There’s no shame in having this problem, although you should know that you’re not alone in how you feel. Many people feel ashamed of their addiction and don’t get the help they so desperately deserve. 

In addition, if you think you or a loved one may have an addiction to ketamine, check out here the ketamine withdrawal symptoms and start finding the right treatment plan and treatment provider for you, increasing the chances of you detoxing from ketamine and preventing relapse.

You might feel ashamed or worried you’ll be judged, you might feel like you don’t have the strength to get through a detox. You might be worried that you’re going to fail, so what’s the point? 

It’s normal to feel torn at this stage, and to feel pulled in many directions. 

As you’re here, though, it’s a great idea to have a look at some of your options so that you know how to get help when you’re ready to reach out. 

Here are some tips on getting help for your addiction: 

Know What’s Coming

Sometimes the thought of recovery and the reality of the process involved in getting to recovery are very different. One of the best things you can do when you’re thinking about getting help for your addiction is to consider what lies ahead, so that when and if you do start moving towards rehab, you’re prepared. 

You can speak to addiction services like Pacific Ridge in Portland, OR, to get an idea of what’s involved in more detail, but realistically, you should expect:

  • To need to learn to deal with stress in a different way
  • To have to face the root cause of your addiction
  • To do different things with your free time, or perhaps all your time
  • To think about yourself differently
  • To potentially remove many friends and family members from your life (if they enable you or encourage your addictive behaviours)
  • To change the way you medicate illnesses
  • To change where you live or spend time
  • To go through a potentially uncomfortable medical detox 

It is not an easy process, but it is a process that will transform your life for the better. 

Explore Your Treatment Options

It helps to know which kinds of addiction treatment is available to you at any one time. For instance, men who have alcohol addiction may consider retreating to a sober living facility or an intensive outpatient program, which fosters a supportive and structured living environment for men who are ready to take control over their lives again.

Your first thought may be to consider going to your GP to ask for help. Truthfully, there are unfortunately many restrictions on free rehabilitation services at the moment. You can get recovery help on the NHS, but treatment waiting times are long, and in some areas there may not be any access to addiction help. If you do get treatment, you may find that it is generic and applied in such a way that you feel like more of a number, than an individual going through the process of rehabilitation. 

Here is an example of a support group from that will help you in recovering from alcoholism.

Of course, it is always worth seeing what kind of help is available in your local areas. Some charities also provide grants and addiction recovery placements in facilities, which can be helpful to know about. 

If you are in a position to invest in your future financially, private addiction services like NUMA Recovery Center are always a favourable option. They provide exceptional service from the very first phone call, various options for treatment and aftercare, and even celebrity grade rehab accommodation.

It’s not possible for everybody to do this, but if it is an option for you, consider it a real investment in your future health and happiness, and in your future prospects. Unfortunately, addiction can be a life or death situation and if you or your family can afford to pay for some private help, it’s unlikely that it is money you’ll look back on and feel it’s been wasted. 

However you choose to connect to recovery services in your area, the following are different addiction treatment choices that are likely to be available to you. They may be offered individually or combined as part of a programme: 

  • Medically supervised detox
  • Individual and group therapies
  • Medication
  • Supplementary activities and treatments to support the recovery process (usually available in private clinics)
  • Relapse prevention such as support groups, continuing therapies and online meetings with clinical staff

Speak Out

One of the best ways to begin your journey to recovery is to speak out and connect with professionals, family members and friends so that you’re getting the support you need to start your journey. There are multiple options when it comes to speaking to somebody about your addiction struggles including: 

  • Opening up to a trusted friend or family member
  • Speaking anonymously to an organisation like Talk To FRANK
  • Calling a private addiction service like Infinity Addiction Solutions to get more information on their services
  • Speaking to your GP about your addiction to see which services are available locally
  • Getting in touch with local addiction charities to see what kind of support is available

“One of the hardest things was learning that I was worth recovery.” – Demi Lovato

The information above can help you to take your first step to facing your drug or alcohol addiction struggles. 

Just by being here and reading this, you’re already closer to recovery than you were before. Why not take another step towards a better life by calling a professional addiction service, speaking to a friend about your problems, or by speaking to an anonymous addiction line like Talk To Frank? The sooner you start your recovery, the sooner you’ll be able to enjoy the healthy, happy life that you deserve. 

Krysta is an experienced journalist writing articles on lifestyle, business and travel. She has contributed articles to publications such as Huffington Post, Business Insider, Your Coffee Break and Her Money.