7 Medical Appointments You Should Stop Delaying

There are many reasons why folks have been delaying necessary medical appointments over the last few years. For some, it has been fear of COVID-19. Others may have an increasingly busy lifestyle or are just generally forgetful. However, it is important that you get back on track with the necessary doctor visits for your own health and well-being.
It is all a part of practising preventative health so that you can avoid larger issues down the road. To help you out, we have composed this guide of essential medical appointments that you need to catch up on this year in order to maintain your physical and mental health.
1. Dermatologist Visits
As a start, you should make it a point to visit the dermatologist if you notice dry or itchy skin, have acne that won’t go away, or are seeing differences in your skin condition. If you delay your appointment and hope that your issue will go away, it will just get worse. You could face serious health risks, at times including skin cancer. It’s better to catch skin cancer in its early stages to start treatment right away.
When preparing for a trip to the dermatologist, consider using a washable marker to circle the problem spots so you can ensure that the doctor gives them a look. Also, bring a list of skincare products, makeup, or lotions that you are using so they can be ruled out as a culprit to any issues you are having. If you are scheduled for follow-ups, then be sure to go as skin conditions can change rapidly and with different environmental factors. You will also be more likely to prevent skin cancer if you are following the advice of a dermatologist regularly.
2. Eye Appointments
It is recommended by optometrists that you visit once per year to have your eyes checked for disease and also to determine if you need eyeglasses, contacts, or LASIK eye surgery to help you see properly.
If you are a parent, it is also important to bring your kids in for their yearly vision test. It’s necessary to take steps to improve your children’s vision so their eyes can be healthy for as long as possible. You can do that by ensuring that they eat a clean diet, don’t spend too much time looking at screens, and wear protective eyewear when playing sports.
3. Mental Health Checks
While taking care of your physical health is important, so is being aware of your mental health. Perform a mental health check. You can do so by being acutely aware of how you feel about yourself, your life, and others around you. Journaling and meditation help you notice any differences in coping ability. Life stressors may exacerbate manageable mental health problems.
Many people also benefit from seeking professional mental health assessments and counselling. This can be arranged in many ways, from in-office visits with a therapist to telehealth video calls with a psychiatrist. It’s important to check in on your mental health to ensure you are performing your best in other areas of your life, such as healthy eating, work tasks, interpersonal relationships, and daily duties. After all, physical and mental health often go hand in hand.
4. Cancer Screenings
Health concerns when you’re over 40 require a few more checkups than you may have been used to up until this point. It is time to start going in for your annual cancer screenings like a colonoscopy. That includes visiting a physician to check you for breast, colon, and cervical cancers, amongst others. It is also important that you routinely check your own body for signs of illness, including lumps, sexual function changes, and wounds that won’t heal. If you notice anything strange at all — at any age — then go in for a screening or see your regular physician. It’s best to catch cancers in their early stages.
5. Dentist Appointments
Experts recommend seeing the dentist twice per year for regular checkups. When you go, they will look at your gums and teeth as they check for cavities and give you advice for necessary improvements to your flossing and brushing routines or even treatments such as dental implant surgery. Dental health is incredibly important. In addition to ensuring that your teeth are clean and maintained, proper oral health can also help other parts of your body. Good oral health can improve your digestion and reduce your chances of getting other ailments, such as diabetes, oral cancer, and heart conditions.
6. Sexual Health Screenings
If you are sexually active in any regard, then it is important to go in annually for sexual health screenings. One reason why you need to make these visits is so that you can be checked for sexually transmitted diseases/infections. The fact is that sometimes you can have an STD/STI without even knowing it, so it is worth getting the exam. If you happen to test positive, then you can get advice on how to remedy or improve the situation without further spreading it or getting worsened symptoms.
7. Annual Physicals
While it is important to never skip the individual screenings above, you should also make it a point to go to your regular physician at least once a year for a full checkup. This is especially important as you turn 40 when you may be more at risk for many medical conditions. The doctor will also check your blood pressure and weight, giving you tips for a better diet or exercise routine if applicable. Make sure to get your physical every year going forward, even if you don’t sense that you have a medical problem.
As you can see, there are many different medical appointments that you must put on the calendar today. Take a couple of hours out of your day to visit these medical professionals, and you’ll feel better and have confidence that you are as healthy as possible, whatever your age.