Dental Emergencies: What to Do When Tooth Troubles Strike in London

Most of the time, you’ll go about your normal day without thinking about your teeth. But, when you suddenly have a toothache and relentless pain in your mouth, it’s impossible to ignore it. This is particularly true when it strikes out of nowhere. You can be left very uncomfortable and unable to eat and drink.

Also, in dental distress, individuals undergoing tooth decay treatment have reported concerns related to tooth decay, sparking a tooth decay lawsuit. If you or someone you know has experienced dental issues linked to Suboxone use, it’s crucial to seek legal advice. A resource like Dolman Law Group, available at, specializes in navigating such cases, providing the necessary support and guidance to those seeking justice for their dental complications.

In the face of unexpected dental problems exacerbated by Suboxone, understanding your legal options is essential. Remember, taking action is a crucial step towards alleviating the discomfort caused by dental or medicine negligence and seeking the justice you rightfully deserve.

So, what should you do when tooth trouble strikes? Know that there is help for dental emergencies in London. So, let’s get started and explore this helpful guide.

Common Dental Emergencies

Let’s start by getting familiar with the dental emergencies that you can encounter at any point in your life. Here are some of the usual suspects:

Toothache: The relentless, throbbing pain that can make even the toughest cookie crumble. Know that this is unlikely to go away on its own.

Chipped or Broken Tooth: Oops! Sometimes accidents happen, and you have to seek treatment.

Knocked-Out Tooth: The kind of drama you want to avoid, but if it happens, you need to act fast if you want to save your smile.

Lost Dental Crown or Filling: When a dental crown decides to take a vacation from your tooth. Often, this happens after eating.

Object Lodged Between Teeth: That pesky popcorn kernel or something worse.

Abscess or Infection: Inflammation with a fiery temper that won’t be ignored since it can be very painful and even dangerous.

Immediate Actions

Now that you know what constitutes a dental emergency, what should you do when they make an unexpected appearance? Well, it’s all about knowing the script:

Toothache: Rinse your mouth, floss to remove debris, and use a cold compress for pain relief. Don’t put aspirin directly on your gums.

Chipped or Broken Tooth: Save any broken pieces, rinse your mouth, and use a cold compress. It’s puzzle time for the dentist.

Knocked-Out Tooth: Pick it up by the crown (not the root), rinse gently, and try to reinsert it if possible. If not, keep it in milk or your mouth. Time is of the essence!

Lost Dental Crown or Filling: Apply a little dental cement or toothpaste to cover the exposed area.

Object Lodged Between Teeth: Gently try to remove it with floss. Don’t use sharp objects!

Abscess or Infection: Antibiotics might be needed, but seek professional help pronto.

Generally, it’s recommended to head to the dentist when you have a dental emergency. For instance, Smile Cliniq is a highly-rated dental practice in London that offers emergency appointments to patients. Often, they can see you the same day, which can ease your discomfort and find a solution to the problem.

Handling Dental Emergencies at Home

Sometimes, you might be stuck in a dental pickle with no immediate dentist in sight. In such cases, here’s how you can take matters into your own hands:

Create a dental emergency kit with essentials like gauze, dental cement, pain relievers, and your dentist’s contact info. This means that you can try to minimise your pain until you can get an appointment.

But, something you don’t want to do is go overboard with DIY fixes. Temporary solutions are just that—temporary. Don’t believe that what you see on the internet can be the ultimate fix for your teeth. Just know that it’s something you might be able to do until you can get an appointment with your normal dentist.

Call your dentist and explain the situation for further advice. In some cases, they can give you tips on things you can do until you see them. This can also give you peace of mind if you’re worrying about what’s wrong.

Preventing Dental Emergencies

Prevention is your best friend when it comes to dental emergencies. Here are some handy tips:

  • Brush and floss regularly; it’s the simplest way to keep dental troubles at bay and it promotes good hygiene.
  • Use mouthguards during sports to protect your pearly whites. If you have an accident, your teeth are protected.
  • Steer clear of bad habits like chewing ice or opening bottles with your teeth. This avoids unnecessary damage.
  • Regular dental check-ups are your secret weapon and they shouldn’t be skipped. Always ensure you attend and you can get the treatment you need ahead of anything bad happening.

When to See a Dentist

Alright, you’ve taken immediate action, and maybe even managed the situation at home. But remember, DIY only goes so far. It’s crucial to see your dentist. They’ll assess the situation, provide proper treatment, and ensure you avoid any long-term issues. Neglecting dental emergencies can lead to more significant problems down the line. No matter where you are, a quick search for a Dentist Near me will surely get you to the right dental office.

Moreover, it’s important to recognize that timely professional intervention can make a significant difference in the outcome of dental emergencies. A seemingly minor issue, such as a toothache, can be indicative of more serious underlying problems like infections or decay that require immediate attention. By visiting a dentist promptly, you can receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, which not only alleviates pain but also prevents the condition from worsening. Dental professionals are equipped with the knowledge and tools to handle emergencies effectively, ensuring that you maintain optimal oral health even in unexpected situations.

In the world of dental emergencies, the unexpected is expected. But with the knowledge you’ve gained today, you’re better prepared to handle toothaches, broken teeth, and other dental dramas. Remember to share this information with friends and family because you never know when you might be someone’s dental hero.

Tatiana Rehmova

A glass half-full kind of a girl and a believer that everything happens for a reason, Tatiana works in Media Relations. She loves writing, spotting inspiring stories, and building meaningful relationships.