Household Hurdles: 8 Possible Reasons Why Your Water Bill is too High

Household Hurdles: 8 Possible Reasons Why Your Water Bill is too High

July 6, 2020

Water is one of the major utilities provided by any city, which makes it a huge concern for commercial property owners, renters, and homeowners. High water bills are problematic, not only because of the financial cost, but it is also an indication that water is being wasted. According to information from the EPA, a single leak can result in up to 10,000 gallons of water lost each year. About 10% of homes leak up to 90 gallons or more each day. And so, if your water bill is higher than usual, it is a good idea to find the issue and have it fixed by the professionals quickly. We recommend you check out Some of the most common reasons that a higher-than-normal water bill may be seen are highlighted here.

1. A Running or Leaky Toilet

Toilets account for approximately 31% of all indoor water usage in any home in the U.S. This shouldn’t be a surprise, but they also pose a significant leak risk. A toilet that continually runs or leaks can waste up to 6,000 gallons of water per month and add several hundred dollars to water costs.

There are two methods to check for a leaky toilet. The first is a sound check. Simply listen to the toilet. If there is a hiss-like noise, there may be leak and the flapper, water line connections, or seals may be to blame. Another option for testing is to use dye. For this, a dye tablet or food colouring is needed. Remove the lid and put a few drops of colour or the dye tablet into it. Wait 15 to 20 minutes and see if there is any colour in the bowl. If there is, it means there is a leak that needs to be repaired.

2. Leaky Fixtures or Faucets

A leaky faucet fixture is another common reason that high water bills may occur. The bigger the leak is, the more water that is wasted and the higher the water costs are going to be. For example, if a faucet is leaking at a rate of one drip a second, it will waste about 17 gallons during a day. The good news is a leaky faucet is easy to find and fix.

A quick and easy visual inspection of the showerheads, faucets, and other fixtures is all that is needed to find a possible leak. The most common reason a leak may occur is if the rubber washer is faulty in the faucet handle. Usually, it is possible to turn the water to the leaky faucet off, remove the handle, and replace the bad washer.

3. Irrigation System Leaks

Not all leak issues are going to occur inside. If someone has an irrigation system in place for the landscaping around their home, a crack in the line or lose joint may allow the water to leak even if the irrigation system is off.

It’s often difficult to find the leaks, especially if the irrigation system’s lines are buried. To find the leaks, it is a good idea to check the lawn for any damp patches or other areas of the grass that may be lusher than what’s around them. Remember, though, these indications of a leak are like the signs of leaks in lateral lines. To fix the issue, it may be necessary to consult the pros to find the leak’s location and to fix the affected irrigation lines.

4. Leaks in Lateral Lines

Sometimes, the underground pipes that feed water from the metered connection to the home could have a loose joint or crack. The leaks causes will vary, but things like animal activity, tree root intrusion, seismic activity, and pipe age can all contribute to the problem.

While the issue is like an irrigation leak, it is usually more serious such as a slab leak. When trying to figure out if the leak is in the irrigation line or in the lateral line water pipe, the additional water consumption that is noted on the utility bill can serve as an indication. It’s important to call slab leak services immediately to repair the leak and avoid wasting more water.

For these situations, calling emergency plumbing professionals like the ones from this plumbing services in Englewood, CO for help is best. They can provide the needed repairs.

5. Outdated or Old Toilets and Fixtures

There are some homes that are older and, as a result, the plumbing system in them is equally old. Recently, though, there have been several efficiency improvements made to all types of common water features, including new aerators for faucets along with low-flow toilets and water-saving showerheads.

This isn’t something that typically shows up suddenly. It is something that comes with the home and results in the homeowner paying higher-than-expected water bills from the very beginning. Be sure to look at the water-using fixtures and appliances to see if they are old or if they have the WaterSense labeling. If not, it is best to get in touch with professionals.

6. Changes in Water Use

A single small change in water use habits or a person’s household situation may impact utility bills quite a bit. To prevent suffering during these times of increased consumption, it is a good idea to plan ahead for these situations.

7. New Equipment That Consumes Water

Adding a new type of water-intensive equipment to a home may also result in significant increases in water costs. Washing machines, sprinkler systems, pools, and anything else new to the home can increase water costs. To minimize this, try to choose appliances that are labeled as high efficiency or that include the WaterSense logo.

8. Water Wasting Habits

People waste a lot of water. This includes kids and adults. Make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to conserving water. This will minimize waste and reduce utility costs.

When it comes to preventing higher-than-normal water costs, be sure to use the tips and information found here. Doing so will pay off and help ensure the desired results are achieved, regardless of how much a homeowner’s water costs are now. It may also be smart to contact the professionals, as they can provide more insight into how to reduce water costs now and in the future.

Krysta is an experienced journalist writing articles on lifestyle, business and travel. She has contributed articles to publications such as Huffington Post, Business Insider, Your Coffee Break and Her Money.